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The single slotted wall upright is the tried and tested starter unit. Combined with the double slotted wall upright it can be used for instance as a lateral end element for wall-mounted shelving units. The double slotted wall uprights allow shelves and baskets to e positioned together on the same level.
Safety brackets with 2 lugs and shelf support locking system. Can be assembled with all Classic 50 wall uprights, steel shelf, wire mesh and with wooden and glass shelves in conjunction with single-sided clip-on holder, double-sided clip on holder and in addition, for glass shelves, suction pad.
The hang track can be suspended with any optional spacing in the hang top track. Simple alignment along the hang top track. This eliminates the need for multiple screwing of individual uprights. Uncomplicated, fast adjustment to variable shelf grid dimensions. Horizontal and vertical shelf support locking system.
Hier geht's zu den Highlights
Classic Black mattHere are the highlights
Classic black matt
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